A new storm has its sights set on Central Wisconsin – Winter Storm Quiana.  With snow forecasts anywhere from 5 to 12 inches and possible rain or freezing rain, we thought it would be nice to give out unsolicited advice on how our employees stay safe during the winter storms that have been hammering at us lately.

So get ready for some fun and some serious tips.

Allison’s safety tip – stock up on food and beverages so you don’t have to travel during the storm.  Her favorites are chips with salsa and guacamole washed down with a White Russian!  She suggests wrapping up in a blanket, have some snacks and watch her favorite series of movies – Jurassic Park!

General tip #1 – keep a blanket in the vehicle along with water, gloves, hat and a few snacks.  You never know how long it will take for help to get to you should you need it

Alex advises to just stay inside however if you must go anywhere be sure to take your time.  Don’t rush things – get there safely.  (Although he also suggests watching a movie – Sponge Bob – while enjoying peanut M&M’s!)

General tip #2 –  flashlights or headlamps along with some basics such as a roll of toilet paper, paper towels, and Kleenex come in very handy if you have a long wait for assistance to arrive.

Laura’s advice – don’t drive unless you have to and then take things slow and steady.  No slamming on the brakes – that just lands you in the ditch.  Stay home.  Eat soup.  Play in the snow.  And then the inevitable….shoveling!

Shepherd & Schaller wants to remind everyone to stay safe during Winter Storm Quiana.