October 24-28, 2018
October 24-29, 2022
- Wed, Thur, Fri: 9am-8pm
- Sat 9am-5pm
- Sun 11am-5pm
Dungeon Sale is Wausau’s biggest sales event of ski season! If you’re brave enough to head to the basement of our 110+ year-old building, you’ll find crazy low prices on used and new ski and snowboard equipment for the entire family.
Shep’s accepts used gear through October 10 for consignment sale. We help price it unless you know exactly what you want out of it, and keep only 10% consignment fee (when swaps keep 20%). After your used items sell, you’ve got ‘Shep’s Bucks’ store credit to use toward the purchase of any of our products or services.
We set the used gear up alongside our own inventory of new gear (left over from last season) and make it easy by installing ski and snowboard bindings so you only have one price to consider.
Kids gear goes fast, so most years there is a line at the door before our Wednesday morning opening at 9:00am. Have no fear, there is usually enough selection to satisfy shoppers all through the five-day event. The basement is stocked with Alpine Ski, X-C Ski and Snowboard equipment.
You’ll want to shop upstairs too, where the latest 2018-19 gear is also on sale along with the season’s best outerwear, sportswear and accessories like helmets, goggles, wax, tuning supplies and more. You can even combine the great used gear you find in the Dungeon with new equipment from upstairs at Shep’s low “package price.” All clothing and accessories are at least 20% off during Dungeon Sale and we’ve got lots of other great specials going on.
To top it off we have crazy deals on shop work, like binding adjustments or re-mounts on dungeon gear for only $15, a full ski tune-up for only $34.99 (reg $55), and register to win a Free Granite Peak season pass which you can register for while you shop.
Once the Dungeon Sale is officially over, you are still free to shop the basement. (There’s just less to choose from!)
Oh yeah… don’t be alarmed when you leave the shop after the sale and run into a crowd on the sidewalk. Shep’s is on the Paranormal Society’s Ghost Tour each year during Halloween Weekend. Our spirits rarely make an appearance during the event though, so you’re safe in the Dungeon. Mwaa ha ha ha ha…
Dungeon Sale 2018 is October 24-28. The sale is 9am-8pm Wed-Fri, 9am-5pm Saturday and 11am-5pm Sunday. Dungeon Sale Rules
Suck up your courage, dig up the family and check our our frighteningly fun sale. 
Customer Account Balances expire five years from purchase/issuing. This includes Gift Cards, Warranty Refunds, Consignment Sale Account Credit and any others