Ski Season Is Never Over Sale

Pay half. Save half. Get 50% off the retail price of all remaining alpine and cross country ski equipment at Shepherd & Schaller through August 15th, 2016. Skis, bindings, boots, poles, helmets and winter outerwear for men, women and children is included. Remaining snowboards, boots and bindings are 40% off.

Ski season. We know it’ on your mind.


Pay half.  Save half.  Get 50% off the retail price of all remaining alpine and cross country ski equipment at Shepherd & Schaller through August 15th, 2016.  Skis, bindings, boots, poles, helmets and ski outerwear for men, women and children is included.  Remaining snowboards, boots and bindings are 40% off.

Ski season.  We know it’ on your mind.

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2015 Black Friday Deals at Shepherd & Schaller

We’re a little calm in the Black Friday storm.  Shop Shepherd & Schaller Sporting Goods from a civilized 8am-8pm on November 27th.  You’ll enjoy all that’s best about preparing for gift giving season.  Helpful expert customer service, a welcoming shopping environment and genuine value.  Our premium outdoor specialty equipment, outerwear, sportswear, footwear and accessories are discounted for savings you expect.  Ski and Snowboard equipment is all on sale, along with the accessories you need for a perfect day on the slopes.  Bikes, water sports and camping gear all have a gift-friendly low Shep’s price too.

Want a peak at the special deals you’ll get not only Black Friday, but while supplies last through December 6th?  Simply scroll!

Shepherd & Schaller Gift Cards are a welcome gift.  The skier or snowboarder on your list would love to treat their ski and snowboard gear to a day of TLC in our newly expanded Back Shop.  Four new Wintersteiger tuning machines in the hands of our artist, Pete Kohlmoos, tune your product to good-as-new condition, ready to set records on the race course and feel like butter under your feet.  Complete 10-step ski or snowboard tune and wax is $34.99 (Reg. $50).  We offer Hot Box wax, custom repairs and computer calibrated binding settings too.

And because we know you are wondering, Smartwool Socks will be Buy 3 Get 1 Free.  Santa’s favorite stocking!

Here are just a few of the deals in store:

BF 2015 1

BF 2015 5 BF 2015 4 BF 2015 3 BF 2015 2

Save on 2015/16 Ski & Snowboard Packages!

Ready for a new setup? Like to save a buck (or a couple hundred)? Our package pricing is going to make your day.

Here’s how things work at Shep’s:

On each equipment item (skis, snowboards, boots, bindings), you’ll see the retail price and our Shep’s Sale Price. That means in 95% of the cases (each + every time the manufacturer allows us to), we give you a deal. Just need a new pair of skis, but love your current boots and bindings? Yes, you’ll get a sale price. Love your snowboard and bindings but want to update your boots? You’ll get a sale price too.  Sale prices all around.

It gets even BETTER when you buy in a “package”. Think of it like bundling. Need new skis AND bindings? Or a new board AND boots? Skis, boots, and bindings? Anytime you buy two or more pieces of the setup, Package Pricing takes the stage, and the sale prices on each of those items is even better.

Below you’ll see some sample packages we created for you. You’ll see the parts that are included, the retail price, and all the money you’ll save with Shep’s Package Price. But don’t forget, you can make a package out of anything on our wall. We won’t limit you to only these pieces, we’ll help you choose this ski and that boot, or this binding and that board, to get you the best setup for your style & skill.

Youth Packages

Alpine Package 1 Alpine Package 2 Alpine Package 3 Alpine Package 4 Alpine Package 5

SB Package 1 SB Package 2









Nordic Package 4 Nordic Package 5



Adult Ski Packages

Alpine Package 6 Alpine Package 7 Alpine Package 8 Alpine Package 9









Adult Snowboard Packages

SB Package 3 SB Package 4






Adult Nordic Ski Packages

Nordic Package 1 Nordic Package 2 Nordic Package 3

Take A Closer Look

Take a closer look.


Are you seeing what you thought you’d see?  Did we peak your interest?  Do you want to see more?

Merchandise.  Displays.  Promotions.  Events.  We continue to mix things up at Shepherd & Schaller, where today “Sports For All Seasons” means something different to you and to us, than it did in the 1950’s, 1980’s, 2000’s and even last season!  When things change it’s good to take a closer look.  GA7A0417-Edit

Right now we’re all about skiing and snow sports, biking, hiking, paddling, yoga, disc golf, footwear, outerwear and sportswear for the trendy, smart Athleisure lifestyle we all embrace.  But you’ll also find handbags, home decor, skincare and unique products that compliment your active outdoor lifestyle.  Surprised?  When was the last time you experienced honest expert customer service, fun decor and cool technical products – all in one place?

Wausau’s local sports store is more than it’s ever been.  It’s time to take a closer look.


Shep’s Annual Dungeon Sale 2014

You are expected in the Dungeon, October 22-26, 2014.  We’ll be waiting to help you find new or used ski and snowboard gear for your entire family, at prices so low it’s frightening!

Shep’s accepts used gear late summer through October 10th (leaving a little time before the sale so we can inspect, clean, tag and inventory all the gear — no small task) for consignment sale.  We help price it unless you know exactly what you want out of it, and keep only 10% consignment fee (when swaps keep 20%).  After your used items sell, you’ve got ‘Shep’s Bucks’ store credit to use toward the purchase of any of our products or services.

We set the used gear up alongside our own inventory of new gear (left over from last season) and make it easy by installing ski and snowboard bindings so you only have one price to consider.

Kids gear goes fast, so most years there is a line at the door before our Wednesday morning opening at 9:00am.  Have no fear, there is usually enough selection to satisfy shoppers all through the five-day event.  The basement is stocked with Alpine Ski, X-C Ski and Snowboard equipment.

You’ll want to shop upstairs too, where the latest 2014-15 gear is also on sale along with the season’s greatest fashions and accessories like helmets, goggles, wax, tuning supplies and more.  You can even combine the great used gear you find in the Dungeon with new equipment from upstairs at Shep’s low “package price.”  All clothing and accessories are at least 20% off during Dungeon Sale and we’ve got lots of other great specials going on.

To top it off we have crazy deals on shop work, like binding adjustments or re-mounts on dungeon gear for only $10, a full ski tune-up for only $34.99, and great prizes including a Free Granite Peak season pass which you can register for while you shop.

Once the Dungeon Sale is officially over, you are still free to shop the basement. (There’s just less to choose from!) Still not sure you want to own equipment and can’t find just want you want from our used inventory?  Talk to an associate about Leasing.

Oh yeah… don’t be alarmed when you leave the shop after the sale and run into a crowd on the sidewalk.  Shep’s is on the Paranormal Society’s Ghost Tour each year during Halloween Weekend.  Our spirits rarely makes an appearance during the event though, so you’re safe in the Dungeon.  Mwaa ha ha ha ha…

Dungeon Sale 2014 is October 22-26.  The sale is 9am-8pm Wed-Fri, 9am-5pm Saturday and 11am-5pm Sunday. Suck up your courage, dig up the family and check our our frighteningly fun sale.

Customer Account Balances expire five years from purchase/issuing.  This includes Gift Cards, Warranty Refunds, Consignment Sale Account Credit and any others.